Sunday, January 1, 2012

Rick Santorum Surges in Iowa

I am pleased to announce that Rick Santorum has broken from the back of the pack, is surging ahead and now is virtually in second place (if you add the polls in the last two days) in the Des Moines Register Iowa Poll.  His message is resonating with people.  We need someone as President who understands that both the family and economics are connected.  We need someone with a strong foreign policy background.  We need a person who has a record of getting things done in Congress.  Rick Santorum is all this rolled into one individual.  He is just the man we need to be President of the United States.  I just hope his momentum continues.

In the recent weeks, Santorum has picked up two endorsements - one from Sam Clovis who is a Sioux City talk-show host and the other is from the bestselling thriller author Brad Thor. This is the first time Clovis has endorsed a candidate in the caucuses.

From abc News: 
He said he’s supporting Santorum because he is an “ideal candidate” who believes in “a constitutionally limited government, fiscal responsibility, strong national defense and unflagging devotion to life and traditional marriage.”  Thor said in a statement that Santorum is the “one presidential candidate who understands and can swiftly address the threats facing our nation.”
“Rick knows that the world would be forever changed by Iran getting a nuclear weapon, and he has sworn to keep this from happening. I am excited to add my endorsement to the growing list of prominent supporters who understand that Rick Santorum is the right man, at the right time to lead our nation,” Thor said.
Santorum has also received the backing recently of the state’s secretary of state, Matt Schultz, and several high-profile Iowa pastors.

More great news for Santorum - Iowa's evangelicals moving to Santorum.  

The Wombat-socho at The Other McCain has listed some great links on the Santorum, Ron Paul, Iowa, and other great stuff.

1 comment:

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