Thursday, January 5, 2012

Glenn Beck on Ron Paul: Soros Connection? 9/11 Truther?

Apparently Barney Frank and Ron Paul partnered in a project called the Sustainable Defense Task Force in which the main purpose was to reduce defense spending by around $1Trillion over the next ten years.  I am in favor of making some cuts to the defense budget but these type of deep cuts are irresponsible and will be detrimental to the safety of the U.S.  Anything that says "sustainable" or has that in its title I am quite leery of.  That usually means that the group follows progressive principles which seeks to undermine the Constitution and all that makes the United States good as a nation.

There is a difference between cutting and gutting the defense budget.  Plus, the cuts that Ron Paul, Barney Frank, Soros & Co proposed is not limited to the reduction of the number of bases and/or military personnel overseas but rather it guts very important parts of defense that our integral to our national security.

Here is a list of the the individuals on the Task Force.

Sustainable Defense Task Force

  • Carl Conetta, Project on Defense Alternatives - Connected to George Soros 
  • Benjamin H Friedman, Cato Institute - 
  • William D Hartung, New America Foundation - Connected to George Soros
  • Christopher Hellman, National Priorities Project - Connected to Soros 
  • Heather Hurlburt, National Security Network - Connected to George Soros 
  • Charles Knight, Project on Defense Alternatives - Connected to Soros 
  • Lawrence J Korb, Center for American Progress - Connected to Soros 
  • Paul Kawika Martin, Peace Action - Connected to George Soros 
  • Laicie Olson, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation - Connected to Soros 
  • Prasannan Parthasarathi, Boston College
  • Miriam Pemberton, Institute for Policy Studies
  • Laura Peterson, Taxpayers for Common Sense
  • Christopher Preble, Cato Institute
  • Winslow Wheeler, Center for Defense Information - Connected to George Soros 

Front Page Mag provides more insight into those who have Soros connections. 

The panel of experts who would decide how to best gut national defense featured such independent thinkers as William D. Hartung of the New America Foundation. Hartung’s main expertise was appearing in “Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire.”
Then there was Lawrence J. Kolb of the Center for American Progress and Miriam Pemberton of the Institute for Policy Studies. If you want to know what the Center, the Foundation and the Institute all have in common, it’s Hungarian and smells like stale cabbage and the death of nations.
The rather creepy Institute for Policy Studies issued a paper proposing that Obama act as king and rule through executive orders. The New American Foundation is not only backed by Soros but has his son on its leadership council. The Center for American Progress is run by the co-chair of Obama’s transition team and is, for all intents and purposes, the think tank of the White House. All three are Soros funded.
 But it doesn’t end there. Also on the panel was Christopher Hellman of the National Priorities Project (NPP). If you are wondering what the NPP is, it’s a think tank whose objective is to “influence national spending priorities.”  And if you’re in the mood for a double, Miriam Pemberton is also on the board of the NPP. The man behind the curtain at NPP? None other than our favorite Hungarian James Bond villain.
          Going further down the list there’s Winslow Wheeler of the Center for Defense Information (CDI).           The CDI’s goal is to strengthen “national and international security through international cooperation [and] reduced reliance on unilateral military power to resolve conflict.” CDI operates under the aegis of the World Security Institute, which is apparently the least creepy name they could think of. Wheeler is a Counterpunch contributor, a site which even Stalinists think goes a bit too far. CDI gets money from the Open Society Institute (OSI) where the stench of death and stale cabbage never goes away.  
You can see additional information here
Did you see that 9 out of the 14 members on the Task Force are connected to George Soros?  I find that deeply troubling.  I find that troubling on so many levels, especially since Ron Paul claims to be "principled".  If he is so principled why did he allow so many people (or any) with connections to George Soros to sit on his Sustainable Defense Task Force?  

From FrontPage Mag: "The task force’s proposals included cutting nuclear deterrence; reducing the fleet by 57 ships, including two carriers; canceling the Joint Strike Fighter; “severely curtail missile defense” — and that is a direct quote from the report — retiring four Marine battalions; reducing the military by 200,000 personnel; cutting defense research spending by 50 billion over ten years; and increasing health care fees for members of the military."   

I agree with Beck's assessment of Ron Paul.

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